Congratulations on your recent knee replacement surgery! Your well on your way to have a fully function and pain free knee – but first comes the sometimes painful rehabilitation to get that knee moving again – which as you can already tell sometimes doesn’t happen right after surgery. Starting these simple exercises that you can complete at home will help you on your way to a fully functional life.
The key is to NOT overdo it – if there is an increase in swelling and pain 10-15 minutes after the exercises are over – you have overdone it and need to taper off on the exercises. Do not let pain take control and don’t let the negative cycle of pain-decreased movement-pain to persist in your rehabilitation. What we like to see is pain, more movement and less pain, some pain, but then more movement – until there is a full recovery of movement without pain.
While seated in a chair – pull foot as far back as possible, and then with the foot there, scoot out in the chair, hold for 3-5 seconds, and the scoot back. Do not let the knee reach levels of pain greater than pain levels 5-6. Complete 10 times.
While seated in a chair kick leg back and forth. To improve the effectiveness of this exercise – hold the foot out for 2-3 seconds and then relax it back.
In a seated position put your leg on a stool and flex/contract the quadriceps muscle making the knee more straight, hold for 3-5 seconds, and then relax – complete 10 times.