Pre/Post Pregnancy Pain

Being pregnant is a very rewarding experience – but it can also present with some symptoms that are “normal” but not healthy.  One of the most common of those is Low Back Pain or Sacroiliac Joint Pain.  This pain can make walking unbearable, sleeping near impossible, and taking care of yourself and other kids unfeasible.  At Eagle Rock Physical Therapy we take extra care and pre-caution to assure that pregnant women who come to our clinic receive gentle care that is safe for both mother and baby.  We assure that women are able to carry to full-term without severe pain and dysfunction that is “normal” to pregnancy.  We use different positions and different modalities to help this special population of people.  Indeed, we have been able to help many women overcome low back pain and other pregnancy pains and carry to

full term while still fully functioning in life.


At Eagle Rock Physical Therapy we use techniques and exercises that help relieve pain during pregnancy and facilitate recovery after giving birth.  We use evidence found in the latest literature available to make giving birth easier.

It is very rewarding to see a women come in the clinic barely able to walk, care after herself, and her family…then when she is done, able to walk without pain, and care after herself and her family – even during pregnancy, and up to delivery.
Give us a call if you are having pains with pregnancy – we would love to see you get through pregnancy without so much discomfort.
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